Complete Cloud Solution For R&D


The best-in-class cloud solution which provides easy set up and installation of a complete, fully integrated suite of discovery research applications.

Our cloud-based solution provides all the tools your team needs to focus on core research activities. From reagent selection all the way to structure activity analysis and incredible customer support, DeltaSoft has got you covered in every aspect.

Reduce IT Costs

Reduce overhead and maintenance costs with our cloud-based solution- DeltaSoft acts as your IT group, providing all application and server management.

Enhanced Teamwork

Improve collaboration within your team by providing a centralized location where you can easily capture, store, manage, share, and analyze your research data in real-time. No more waiting for your coworker to send their spreadsheets. ChemCart updates in real-time, allowing you to view all new information instantly.

You do the science, we handle the technology!

What we offer

Transform your day with our cutting-edge software products. Discover a new world of efficiency and precision.


  • Pre-installed and pre-configured ChemCart applications – Reagent Inventory, Electronic Lab Notebook, Compound Registration, BioAssay, and Structure Activity Browser
  • DeltaSoft acts as your IT group- managing applications, users, and cloud hosting.
  • Provides industry standard centralized database that scales as your organization grows
  • Search, add/update, and export data from every ChemCart application.
  • All ChemCart core functionality available


  • Startup is able to “hit the ground running” within less than a month and has all essential applications needed for R&D
  • Newly formed company has moved from using spreadsheets to a cloud based platform – able to import all existing data.
  • Biotech company started with full turn-key solution to register, track and analyze their data.  Have been gradually customizing applications to meet evolving company standards.